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Fig. 6 | Head & Face Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Attractive combinations of female gingival displays, buccal corridor sizes, and facial heights according to orthodontists, dentists, and laypeople of different ages and sexes: a psychometric study

Fig. 6

Estimated marginal means and 95% CIs for beauty scores pertaining to each image. Perceptometric images 1 to 27 respectively denote the following combinations of “facial form, gingival display, and buccal corridor width”: long 2mm 25%, short 2mm 25%, short 2mm 20%, long 2mm 20%, normal 2mm 25%, short 6mm 15%, long 2mm 15%, short 2mm 2%, normal 2mm 20%, long 6mm 15%, normal 6mm 15%, long 2mm 2%, short 2mm 15%, short 2mm 10%, long 2mm 10%, short 4mm 15%, normal 2mm 15%, normal 2mm 2%, normal 2mm 10%, short 0mm 15%, normal 4mm 15%, long 4mm 15%, short 2mm 15%, normal 0mm 15%, long 2mm 15%, normal 2mm 15%, long 0mm 15%. Note: The perceptometric images are sorted in these images after data collection (for a better visualization); during the survey, the perceptometric images were randomized

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