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Table 1 Questionaire

From: Patients’ perspectives on the use of artificial intelligence in dentistry: a regional survey

How old are you?


☐ 26–35

☐ 36–50

☐ 51–60

☐ 61–80

How often do you visit the dentist per year?

☐ semiannual

☐ annual

☐ biennial

☐ emergency

How important is your oral health to you?

☐ not at all

☐ low

☐ normal

☐ high

Which dental treatments had you in the past? (Multiple choice possible)

☐ Fillings

☐ Root canal treatment

☐ Bleaching

☐ Prosthetics (crown, bridge, prothesis etc.)

☐ Apicectomy

☐ Tooth extraction

☐ None

☐ Other:


Have you had panoramic radiographs/ radiographs taken in the past?

☐ yes

☐ no

How would you assess your knowledge about the digital world?

☐ nothing

☐ below average

☐ average

☐ above average

How would you assess your knowledge about artificial intelligence?

☐ nothing

☐ below average

☐ average

☐ above average

Do you have concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in dentistry? If yes, which? (Multiple choice possible)

☐ No concerns

☐ Impact on workforce needs

☐ Data security

☐ Lack of accuracy of “electronic” diagnoses

☐ New challenges for the doctor-patient-relationship

☐ Costs

☐ The influence of technology giants

☐ Other concerns:____________________

From your point of view, what is the greatest advantage of using artificial intelligence in dentistry? (Multiple choice possible)

☐ Time savings

☐ Better doctor-patient-relationship

☐ More safety in diagnoses

☐ Increase in treatment quality

☐ Improved health comprehension

☐ More uniformity among dentists

☐ Other: _____________________________________

Would the use of artificial intelligence be able to compensate mistakes from the dentists?

☐ no

☐ yes

☐ unsure

Do you think that the use of artificial intelligence would lead to shorter treatment time?

☐ no

☐ yes

☐ unsure

Does the use of artificial intelligence improve the overall oral health?

☐ no improvement

☐ less improvement

☐ yes

☐ major improvement

Do you think that the use of artificial intelligence would lead to an increase the treatment quality?

☐ no improvement

☐ less improvement

☐ yes

☐ major improvement

☐ no opinion

Does the use of artificial intelligence improve the doctor-patient-relationship?

☐ no improvement

☐ less improvement

☐ yes

☐ major improvement

☐ no opinion

What level of error is tolerable for artificial intelligence-based diagnostic systems?

☐ Equivalent to the worst performing dentist

☐ Equivalent to the average performing dentist

☐ Superior to the average performing dentist

☐ Equivalent to the best performing dentist

☐ Superior to the best performing dentist

Would you endorse the following procedure? Dental X-rays will be analyzed by an artificial intelligence and the findings will be assessed by the dentist afterwards

☐ yes

☐ no

☐ unsure

To what extent would you agree to the following statement? Dentistry will benefit from the use of artificial intelligence

☐ yes

☐ no

☐ unsure

When would artificial intelligence be fully implemented in the daily dental work?

☐ within one year

☐ in 1 to 5 years

☐ in 5 to 10 years

☐ in over 10 years

☐ never