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Table 2 Cephamotric variables

From: Classification and characterization of class III malocclusion in Chinese individuals

Cranial Base

Condylion to Gnathion (Co-Gn)(mm)

IMPA (L1-MP) (°)

Saddle/Sella Angle (SN-Ar) (°)


L1-NB (°)

Anterior Cranial Base (SN) (mm)

Midface Length (Co-A) (mm)

L1-NB (mm)

Posterior Cranial Base (S-Ar) (mm)

ANB (°)

L1 Protrusion (L1-APg) (°)


Facial Plane to AB (NP-AB) (°)

L1 Protrusion (L1-APg) (mm)

SNA (°)

Post-Ant Face Height (S-Go/N-Me) (%)

FMIA (L1-FH) (°)

Convexity (NA-APg) (°)

Y-axis (N-S-Gn) (°)

Interincisal Angle (U1-L1) (°)

N to A through the Horizontal Plane (mm)

Maxillary-Mandibular Difference (mm)

UADH (U1-PP) (mm)

Na _|_ to A point (mm)

Wits Appraisal (AO-BO) (mm)

LADH (L1-MP) (mm)

Maxilla Length (Co-ANS) (mm)

Anterior Face Height (N-Me) (mm)

UPDH (U6-PP) (mm)


Upper Face Height (N-ANS) (mm)

LPDH (L6 - MP) (mm)

SNB (°)

Inferior Facial Height (mm)

Overjet (mm)

Facial Angle (FH-NPg) (°)

Nasal Height (N-ANS/N-Me) (%)

Overbite (mm)

Gonial Angle (Ar-Go-Me)(°)

MP-SN (°)

Soft Tissue

Ramus Height (Ar-Go) (mm)

FMA (FH-MP) (°)

Upper Lip to E-Plane (mm)

Facial Taper (N-Gn-Go) (°)

GoGn-SN (°)

Lower Lip to E-Plane (mm)

Articular Angle (S-Ar-Go) (°)

Occlusal plane To SN (°)

Upper lip length (Sn-ULI)

N to B through Horizontal Plane (mm)

Occlusal Plane to FH (OP-PoOr) (°)

Lower lip length (LLS-Me')

N to Pg through Horizontal Plane (mm)


Facial angle (G'-Sn-Pog') (°)

Pg to Na Perpendicular (mm)

U1-SN (°)

Upper lip anterior (ULA-TVL) (°)

Mandibular Unit Length (Co-Gn) (mm)

U1-NA (°)

Lower lip anterior (LLA - TVL) (°)

Pg - NB (mm)

U1-NA (mm)


Posterior Facial Height (Co-Go) (mm)

U1-FH (°)

  1. Boldface indicates six categories of the sixty-one cephalometric parameters