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Table 5 Item-factor loading matrices for section II.

From: An examination of the psychometric structure of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory in temporomandibular disorder patients: a confirmatory factor analysis




2 (II). Asks me how he/she can help



3 (II). Reads to me



5 (II). Takes over my chores



6 (II). Talks to me to take my mind off the pain



8 (II). Gets me to rest

.80 (e.f)


9 (II). Involves me in activities



11 (II). Gives me pain medication



12 (II). Encourages me to work on a hobby



13 (II). Gets me something to eat



14 (II). Turns on the T.V.



1 (II). Ignores me



4 (II). Expresses irritation to/at me



7 (II). Expresses frustration to/at me


.73 (e.f)

10 (II). Expresses anger to/at me



  1. NOTE: *p ≤ .05 ** p ≤ .01 *** p ≤ .001;
  2. e.f = effect fixed.