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Table 1 Landmarks and measurements used in this study

From: Comparison of condylar morphology changes and position stability following unilateral and bilateral sagittal split mandibular ramus osteotomy in patients with mandibular prognathism



Landmarks and planes:

 Sella (S.)

The point representing the midpoint of the pituitary fossa (sella turcica)

 Nasion (N.)

The most anterior point of the frontonasal suture

Supramentale (B.)

The point at the deepest midline concavity on the mandibular symphysis between infradentale and pogonion

 Orbitale (Or)

Mid-point of the infraorbital margin

 Anterior nasal spine (ANS)

Tip of the anterior nasal spine

 Porion (Po)

Superior point of the external auditory meatus

 Mandibular Plane (MP)

The tangent line to the lower border of the mandible through gnathion

 Anterior cranial base (SN)

The line connecting the center of Sella turcica and Nasion

 Axial plane

Plane containing both porions and the right Or

 Coronal plane

Plane perpendicular to axial plane that includes both Po

 Sagittal plane

Plane perpendicular to axial and coronal planes that includes ANS


 Dental midline deviation

The deviation of dental midlines was defined as the horizontal distance between the facial sagittal plane and mesial contact points of mandibular central incisors as measured on the 3D reconstructed models


the position of mandible to skull base


The cant of lower border of mandible to skull base